Fellow Aiden Flat Bottom Batch Brew filters 50 pcs

The Fellow Aiden Flat Bottom Batch Brew Filters are designed to optimize the brewing process for larger batches with the Fellow Aiden Coffee Maker.

These high-quality filters are made from bleached paper and provide a clean, consistent extraction, ensuring a smooth and balanced flavor in each brew.

Ideal for those who need to brew larger quantities of coffee, these filters enhance the performance of the Aiden system for a superior coffee experience every time.


34.00 GEL
34.00 GEL

Fellow Aiden Flat Bottom Batch Brew filters 50 pcs

Quantity: 50 filters per pack

Material: High-quality bleached paper for a clean, crisp flavor

Compatibility: Perfectly designed for the Fellow Aiden Flat Bottom Batch Brew system

Optimal Extraction: Ensures consistent water flow for even brewing and balanced flavor

Eco-Friendly: BPA-free and biodegradable, making it a sustainable choice

Ideal for those who want to brew larger batches without compromising on quality or flavor.

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