Hazelnut • Caramel • Orange

Brazil Fazenda Paraiso Cerrado Caramelo Doce Natural Espresso

We chose this coffee for its exceptional flavor profile, showcasing the delightful harmony of hazelnut, caramel, and orange.

Grown in the Cerrado Mineiro region of Brazil, its specialty-grade quality is a result of well-defined seasons and ideal growing conditions. The coffee’s smooth, balanced body leads to a lingering aftertaste of sweet caramel and zesty orange.

Great With MilkSweet Tooth
32.00 GEL

Flavor Profile










Cerrado, Brazil


1130 masl


Variety Acaiá, Red and Yellow Catuaí, IPR100, IAC125, Catucaí




Veloso Family

Farm or Mill: Fazenda Paraíso | Brazil

Fazenda Paraíso has 756 ha of drip-irrigated coffee plantations and belongs to the Veloso family, who was a pioneer in the Cerrado region and has been producing coffee since 1970. Nowadays, the family became a business group, which runs several farms in the area. Passion, respect for the land, high technology, and modern business practices lead to excellence, producing specialty coffees with the sweet and full body cup typically found in our Caramelo Doce brand.

The team behind our beans

Shavi team is a bunch of coffee geeks having fun roasting to perfection a product that they love and care for. We love to share this passion with you and everyone wanted to learn more about specialty coffee.

Proudly Roasted in Tbilisi

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If you have any issue with one of your orders please contact Giorgi (for b2b customer) or the garage