Black Cherry • Floral • Orange • Plum

Burundi Kibingo Washed Yeast Intenso Filter

Grown at 1890 meters above sea level in Kayanza province, our washed yeast coffee from Kibingo station is everything we love about Burundi coffees: a juicy and berry cup profile with balanced acidity. We're excited to be working with Kibingo for the second year in a row and are proud of the work they're doing to improve the lives of the farmers and surrounding community.

Our Burundi lot is using a washed yeast process, combining elements of traditional washed and yeast processing techniques. This method involves yeast fermentation during the washing stage, merging the cleanliness of the washed process with the complexity of the yeast process.

Perfect for Pour-overJuicy
39.00 GEL

Flavor Profile






Washed Yeast






1 700 to 1 900 masl


Red Bourbon


Since 2023


Smallholder Farmers 300 trees on avg.

Farm or Mill: Kibingo Washing Station | Burundi

Located in Kayanza, northern Burundi, Kibingo is home to 3,515 registered coffee growers spread across 18 hills. Each grower belongs to a group led by a farm leader to facilitate communication and organization with the washing station.

Greenco has been operating Kibingo since 2015, focusing on supporting coffee producers and overseeing various aspects of the production chain. This includes training, managing washing stations, and recognizing the vital role coffee plays in both families and the nation's economy.

Although Burundi is renowned for coffee production, individual smallholders typically yield modest harvests, around 1.5 kilos of cherry per tree annually. Greenco supports farmers by sourcing seeds from the Institut des Sciences Agronomiques du Burundi (ISABU) and establishing nurseries to help them revitalize their coffee plants, ensuring sustainable production.

The team behind our beans

Shavi team is a bunch of coffee geeks having fun roasting to perfection a product that they love and care for. We love to share this passion with you and everyone wanted to learn more about specialty coffee.

Brew It With:

Pour-Over & Hand Brew
Proudly Roasted in Tbilisi

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We ship your order within 24h. Once ready we send you an email that your order is on the way. Count 1 day delivery for Tbilisi and 3 to 4 days for Georgia.

Log In into your account to see the order status. Your will receive an email when your order goes from RECEIVED to PROCESSING to DELIVERED.

If you have any issue with one of your orders please contact Giorgi (for b2b customer) or the garage