Milk Chocolate • Nutty • Brown sugar • Apple

Colombia Tumbaga Sugarcane Decaf Omni

Colombia Decaf coffee is a delightful choice for those seeking a balanced and flavorful coffee experience without the buzz of caffeine. Renowned for its smooth profile and nuanced flavors, combination of nuttiness, apple-like acidity, subtle notes of brown sugar, and milk chocolate aftertaste.

Perfect for Pour-overSweet Tooth
Bag size
38.00 GEL

Flavor Profile










Cauca, Tolima, Antioquia








Various smallholders < 5 hectares

Farm or Mill: Tumbaga Sugarcane | Colombia

Sugarcane decaffeination utilizes a naturally occurring compound, ethyl acetate (EA) to decaffeinate coffee. The EA used in this process is derived from molasses (a byproduct of sugar production). Since EA is naturally-occurring, the process is labeled as “naturally decaffeinated.”

The EA process is relatively simple. The coffee beans are moistened with water and EA is circulated throughout. The EA binds with the caffeine in the bean and extracts the caffeine while leaving most of the other flavor compounds. After the desired caffeine level is reached, the EA residue on the beans is removed by steaming them.

The team behind our beans

Shavi team is a bunch of coffee geeks having fun roasting to perfection a product that they love and care for. We love to share this passion with you and everyone wanted to learn more about specialty coffee.

Brew It With:

Pour-Over & Hand Brew
Brew It With:
145.00 GEL
Bialetti Moka Express 6tz
Sold Out
Brewista Smart Scale V2
Sold Out
Proudly Roasted in Tbilisi

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Frequently asked question

We ship your order within 24h. Once ready we send you an email that your order is on the way. Count 1 day delivery for Tbilisi and 3 to 4 days for Georgia.

Log In into your account to see the order status. Your will receive an email when your order goes from RECEIVED to PROCESSING to DELIVERED.

If you have any issue with one of your orders please contact Giorgi (for b2b customer) or the garage