Where does coffee get its flavor from? coffee beans cherry tbilisi georgia shavi coffee roasters

Where does coffee get its flavor from?

Apr 11, 2024Shavi Coffee Roasters

The Basics

The flavor of coffee is a complex amalgamation of factors, from the soil it grows in to the way it's processed and roasted. Understanding these aspects can enhance your appreciation of coffee and help you find your perfect cup. Whether you prefer a bright, acidic coffee that sings with notes of berry and citrus or a deep, rich brew with hints of chocolate and nuts.

Terroir: The Environmental Essence

Terroir refers to the environmental conditions where coffee is grown, including climate, soil type, altitude, and even the specific lot on a farm. These factors can dramatically affect the bean's flavor profile. For example, coffee grown at high altitudes in volcanic soil, like many found in Central America, tends to have a crisp acidity and vibrant flavor profiles. On the other hand, beans from lower altitudes often exhibit a fuller body with more muted acidity. The unique combination of these environmental factors imparts distinct characteristics to the coffee, similar to how the terroir affects the taste of wine.

Variety: A World of Flavor

Coffee beans come from the Coffea plant, with the two most widely cultivated species being Arabica and Robusta. Within these species, there are numerous varieties, each with its own flavor nuances. Arabica beans, for example, are known for their smooth, complex flavor profiles, often with hints of fruit and sugar, and tend to have higher acidity. Robusta beans, in contrast, offer a stronger, more bitter taste with a grain-like overtone and nutty aftertaste. The genetic makeup of the coffee plant plays a crucial role in determining the bean's inherent flavors.

Harvesting: Timing is Everything

The process of harvesting coffee beans also influences their taste. Coffee cherries don't ripen uniformly, requiring pickers to harvest them by hand selectively, which ensures only the ripest cherries are chosen. These cherries contain beans at the peak of their sweetness, which translates into the final flavor of the coffee. Over or under-ripe cherries can lead to off-flavors in the cup, underscoring the importance of precise harvesting in coffee flavor development.

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Check out our guide on how coffee grows for more insights on the cultivation process.

Processing: Shaping the Flavor

Once harvested, coffee beans undergo processing to remove the cherry and mucilage, leaving the green coffee bean ready for roasting. There are several methods of processing, including wet (washed), dry (natural), and honey (semi-washed), each imparting different flavors to the bean. Washed coffees tend to have cleaner, more defined flavors with higher acidity, while natural coffees can develop sweeter, more complex, and sometimes fermented flavors due to the cherry drying around the bean. The honey process, where some of the mucilage is left on the bean during drying, often results in a cup that balances body and sweetness with clarity.

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Roasting: The Flavor Unleashed

The final step in the journey is roasting, where the green coffee beans are transformed into the aromatic, flavorful beans we use to brew coffee. Roasting is an art and science, requiring precise temperature control and timing to bring out the desired flavors in the bean. Light roasts can preserve the bean's original flavor characteristics, including acidity and fruitiness. Medium roasts offer a balanced flavor, acidity, and body, often with sweet and caramel notes. Dark roasts feature a fuller body and lower acidity, with bold, smoky, and sometimes bitter flavors.

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If you want to get super nerdy you can check our guide to the chemical composition of coffee and take a deep dive into the science of coffee flavor.

You can also read:

  1. "Why Do Some Producers Grow Coffee Near Active Volcanoes?" Perfect Daily Grind, 2020. Read more.
  2. “Arabica vs Robusta: What Is The Difference Between The Beans? Third wave coffee, 2022. Read more.

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