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Pour over coffee brew guide

Here’s the basics to brewing a perfect cup of coffee.

Total brew time

2:30 – 3:00 minutes
Too little or too much brewing time can make your coffee taste bitter.

Bring your kettle to a boil

If you have a kettle with a built-in temperature gauge bring the water to 94 degrees celsius. If you don’t have a temperature gauge, bring your water to a boil and then follow the next steps to let your water cool down a bit.

Weigh 18g of coffee

The amount of coffee you brew is very important to the flavor. A scale can really help you improve the outcome. We believe that 18g of coffee for 260ml of water is almost always a great starting point for making the perfect cup of coffee.

Grind your coffee medium-coarse

Try to grind your coffee the size of sea salt to start. The size of your coffee grind has a huge impact on the flavor of your coffee. Not only does it control the total extraction time it also literally controls which flavors are pulled from the coffee and into your cup. What we’re aiming for is about a 2:45 – 3:00 minute extraction time. If your coffee is taking too long to brew, make the grind coarser, if it’s going too fast, make it more fine.

Place your filter in the cone and give it a rinse!

It’s a small step but it makes a difference. By rinsing your filter you get rid of any chemical residue. It also warms up your coffee brewer which will get you a more consistent extraction.

Evenly distribute the coffee grounds in the filter

Getting the best flavor out of your coffee starts with making sure that your coffee grinds are laying flat in the filter. Give it a few taps to even out the grinds.

First pour and ‘bloom’

Pour 60g of water in concentric circles. This first pour should be relatively fast, approximately 10 seconds. Let your coffee ‘bloom’ for 30 seconds. The bloom period allows some of the gasses to escape from your coffee that contain unwanted flavors. You’ll see air bubbles escaping from the coffee while we wait.

Second Pour

Getting the best flavor out of your coffee starts with making sure that your coffee grinds are laying flat in the filter. Give it a few taps to even out the grinds.

Shavi Coffee Roaster