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Region: Uraga, Guji      Washing Station: Raro Nensebo Drying Station

Producer: Ture Waji, Sookoo Coffee

Variety: 74110, 74112 | Altitude: 2100 – 2350

The word Laayyoo refers to an indigenous tree growing in this area, used for shade on coffee plantations. Its deep roots allow for the falling leaves to offer rich, nutrient dense compost, acting also as a fertilizer.  This lot is produced by Sookoo Coffee, run by Ture Waji, also known as “The King of Guji.” Ture has a strong connection to the land, its community, and farmers, and his company is focused on quality, traceability, and sustainability.

Ture Waji, founder of Sookoo Coffee, has strong connections to the land and community in the Guji region of Ethiopia. He started his own brand in 2018, building drying stations in Uraga and Shakiso. Sookoo Coffee currently produces only natural coffees, but has plans for washed coffees in the future. They educate farmers on good agricultural practices and provide pre-harvest loans. Sookoo Coffee has a ‘woman-first’ policy at washing stations, built a school for children, and improved local infrastructure.

Additional information
Weight N/A
Bag size

1 kg, 250 g







Shavi Coffee Roaster